My dear fellow citizens,
Greetings from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the auspicious occasion of Independence Day.
The nation
is celebrating the Independence Day with the festival of Janamashtmi
today . I can see a number of Bal Kanaiyas here. We are fortunate to
have in our cultural and historical heritage from a Sudarshan
Chakradhari Mohan to Charkhadhari Mohan.
the ramparts of Red Fort, on behalf of our 125 crore countrymen, I bow
and pay respects to all those men and women who have sacrificed their
lives, who have undergone immense sufferings and made sacrifices for the
independence, glory and pride of the country.
natural calamities are a big challenge for us. A good monsoon
contributes immensely to the prosperity of the country. However, due to
climate change, sometimes it turns into a natural calamity. Several
parts of the country faced natural calamities recently. Besides our
innocent children lost their lives in a hospital. Our 125 crore
countrymen stand shoulder to shoulder with them in this hour of crisis
and grief. I assure the countrymen that in this hour of crisis we shall
leave no stone un-turned to ensure the well-being of all.
dear countrymen, this year is a special year for independent India. We
commemorated 75 years of Quit India Movement last week. This year we are
also commemorating the centenary of Champaran Satyagraha and the
Sabarmati Ashram. The centenary of Lokamanya Tilak’s call “Swaraj is my
birth right” falls this year as well. The year marks the 125th
Anniversary of the Ganesh Utsav which led to the rise of community
awakening through the celebrations. It inspires us to dedicate ourselves
to a cause for the country. A collective resolve of the citizens was
visible during 1942 to 1947 across the country which forced the British
to Quit India within a span of five years. We will have to exhibit the
same resolve from now on in the 70th year of independence to 2022, the
75th year of independence.
We now have five
years before we reach the 75th year of our independence. Our united
resolve, strength and determination to work hard remembering the memory
of our great patriots will help us to build an India of their dreams by
2022. Therefore, we have to take the country forward with a pledge to
build a New India.
We are aware of the power of
the collective resolve, hard work, sacrifice and devotion of our 125
crore citizens. Lord Krishna was immensely powerful, but it is only when
the milkmen came out with sticks in his support that they could lift
the Govardhan parvat. When Lord Rama had to go to Lanka, the monkeys of
vanara sena came to his help, Ramsetu was built and Lord Rama could reach
Lanka. Then there was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who empowered his
countrymen to weave the fabric of independence with cotton and spinning
The collective resolve and strength of
the people got freedom for our country. No one is small or big. We have
in our memory the story of squirrel which became an agent of change.
That’s why we must remember that no one among the 125 billion people is
either small or big – everyone is equal.
each one of us, irrespective of where he belongs to, strives with a new
resolve, a new energy, a new strength, we can change the face of the
country with our combined strength in the 75th year of our independence
in 2022. It will be the New India – a secure, prosperous and strong
nation. A New India where there is equal opportunity for all; where
modern science and technology play an important role in bringing glory
for the nation in the global arena.
Our freedom
movement is linked to our sentiments. We know it well that at the time
of the freedom movement, the teacher who was engaged in teaching, the
farmer who was tilling his land, the laborer who was working – all of
them knew in their hearts that whatever they were doing, was
contributing towards the independence of the country. This idea is a
great source of strength. In the family, food is prepared everyday but
it becomes ‘prasad’ only when it is offered to the deity.
are working, but if we do so in the spirit of working for the glory of
mother India, for the divinity of mother India, if we do it to rid our
countrymen of poverty, if we do it to properly weave our social fabric,
if we discharge our duties with feelings towards the country, if we do
it with a sense of devotion to country, if we do our work by dedicating
it to the country, then the achievements will be much more. That is why
we should move forward with this spirit.
1, 2018 will not be an ordinary day – those born in this century will
start turning 18. For these people, this is a decisive year of their
lives. They are going to be the creator of the destiny (Bhagya Vidhata)
of our nation in the 21st century. I
heartily welcome all these youth, honour them and offer my respects to
them. You have an opportunity to shape the destiny of our country. A
proud nation invites you to become a part of its developmental journey.
My dear countrymen,
Arjuna was posing a lot of queries to Lord Krishna in the battlefield
of Kurukshetra, then Krishna told Arjuna that you achieve goals as per
your thinking and beliefs. We have a strong determination, we are
committed for a brighter India. We, who have grown up with a state of
hopelessness, have to reject the feeling of despair and must now march
ahead with confidence.
We have to leave this
‘Chalta Hai’ attitude. We have to think of ‘Badal Sakta Hai’- this
attitude will help us as a nation. We should have this confidence that
with sacrifice and hard work and a resolve to do something, we will get
necessary resources and the ability to do it and then a big
transformation will happen, and our resolve will convert into
Brothers and sisters,
is natural for our countrymen to think of our safety and security. Our
country, our military, our brave-hearts, our uniformed forces, be it any
force, not just the army, air force or navy, all the uniformed forces,
whenever they were called upon to do so, they showed their valour, their
strength; our brave-hearts never turned their back in making the
supreme sacrifice. Be it Left-Wing-Extremism, be it terrorism, be it
infiltrators, be it the elements fomenting trouble inside our country-
the uniformed forces of our country have made extreme sacrifices. And
when the surgical strike was carried out, then the world had to
acknowledge India’s capability and strength.
My dear countrymen,
security is our priority. Be it our coast line or our borders, the
space or the cyberspace, India is capable of ensuring its own security
and strong enough to ward off any threats against the country.
My beloved countrymen,
who have looted the nation and looted the poor are not able to sleep
peacefully today. Due to this, the confidence of the hardworking and
honest person is increasing. An honest man now feels that his honesty
matters. Today, we are celebrating a festival of honesty and there is no
place for dishonesty. This gives us new hope.
law against Benami property was lying in limbo for years. Now, we have
come up with a law against Benami Property. In such a short time, the
government has confiscated Benami properties worth over Rs.800 crores.
When these things happen, the common man develops faith that the country
is for the honest persons.
The ‘One Rank – One
Pension’ policy for our defence forces was stuck up for 30-40 years.
Our government implemented it. When we fulfill the aspirations of our
soldiers, then their morale goes high and their resolve to protect the
nation grows manifold.
The country has many
states and a Central Government. GST has shown the spirit of cooperative
federalism and has given competitive cooperative federalism a new
strength. The success of GST can be attributed to the hard work that has
been put in to make it a success. Technology has made it look like a
miracle. The global community is surprised how we were able to roll out
GST in such a short time. It is a reflection of our capability and helps
in building the confidence and faith of the future generations.
systems are emerging. Today roads are being built at twice the speed.
The railway tracks are being laid at double the speed. More than 14
thousand villages that were hitherto shrouded in darkness even after
Independence, have been provided with electricity. Bank accounts of 29
crore people have been opened, more than 9 crore farmers have got Soil
Health Card. More than 2 crore poor mothers and sisters are no longer
using the fuel wood and using LPG gas stove now. The poor tribals have
gained faith in the system. The person at the last mile of development
now joins the mainstream and the nation is marching ahead.
worth more than 8 crore have been sanctioned without guarantee to the
youth for self-employment. The interest on bank loans have been lowered.
Inflation is under control. If a person belonging to the middle-class
wants to build his house, then he gets a loan at a lower rate of
interest. In this way, the country is moving forward and people are
joining the movement.
The times have changed. The government is determined to do all it says, like doing away with the interview process.
the labour sector alone, even a small businessman had to fill up to
50-60 forms, but we have now made it more convenient by reducing it to
just 5-6 forms. I can provide many such instances of Good Governance,
simplifying the process of Governance. By reiterating this we have
enforced faster decision making. And that is why 125 crore countrymen
have been able to repose faith in our governance.
Dear Countrymen,
today has gained in stature across the globe. You will be happy to know
that we are not alone in our fight against terrorism. Many nations are
proactively supporting us.
Be it Hawala, or any
inputs related to terrorism, the global community is supporting us with
critical information. We have joined hands with other nations in the
combined fight against terrorism. I extend my heartfelt greetings to all
those countries who are standing in solidarity with us and acknowledge
our prowess.
For the development and progress
of Jammu & Kashmir, its prosperity, and fulfilment of the
aspirations of the citizens, not only the J&K government, but we as
responsible citizens also have a responsibility. We are committed to
restore the state to its former glory so as to experience the paradise
that it was, once again.
On Kashmir there is
rhetoric and politics. But I am clear in my belief on how to win the war
against separatism, which is spread by a handful of people. The problem
will be solved neither by abuse or bullets – it will be solved by
embracing all Kashmiris. Such is the legacy of 125 crore Indians. Hence,
neither by abuse nor by bullets, change will come by embracing all. And
we are moving forward with this resolve.
shall take strict steps against terrorism. There is no question of being
soft on terrorism or terrorists. We have been asking the extremists to
join the mainstream. Democracy provides an equal opportunity and rights
to be heard for all. The process of engagement can take place only by
their joining the mainstream.
I deeply
appreciate the efforts of security forces in curbing the Left Wing
extremism which mobilized a lot of youth from these regions to surrender
and joined the mainstream.
Security forces are
keeping a tight vigil on our borders. I am delighted to announce that
today the Indian Government is launching a website which will give an
account of the valour of the Gallantry Award winners. A portal is also
being launched which aims to provide the entire details of these brave
hearts who have brought pride to the nation. The story of sacrifices
made will certainly inspire the younger generations.
the help of technology, we are trying to promote honesty and
transparency in the country. Our fight against black money will
continue; our fight against corruption will continue. With the
intervention of technology, slowly we are trying to link Aadhaar with
the system. We have been successful in infusing transparency in the
system. People from around the world have appreciated this model and
have been studying it.
A common man living
thousands of kilometres away can now supply his products to the
Government. He doesn’t need any middle man. We have launched a portal
called “GEM”. The Government is making procurement through this portal.
We have been successful in bringing transparency at various levels.
Brothers and Sisters,
of Government schemes are gaining momentum. When a work is delayed, it
is not only the project that is delayed. It is not a matter of
expenditure of money. When a work is stalled, the poor families are the
ones who suffer the most.
We can reach the planet Mars within 9 months; we are capable of achieving that.
review Government Projects every month. A specific project came to my
notice. It was a 42-year old project. 70-72 kilometres of Railway lines
were to be laid, but the project was lying in limbo for the last 42
My brothers and sisters,
a country that is capable of reaching Mars within 9 months, how is it
possible that it is not able to lay 70-72 Kilometres railway lines for
42 long years. It sets in doubts in the minds of the poor. We have taken
care of all these things. We have been striving to bring in the changes
through technology. Whether it is Geo-Technology or Space-Technology,
we have tried to link all these technologies to bring in transformation.
must have seen that there was a time when tension prevailed between the
Centre and the States for Urea and Kerosene. The Centre was like an
elder brother while the State was treated like a younger brother. I have
been a Chief Minister for a long time and I know the importance of
states in the development of the country. I know the importance of the
Chief Ministers and the State Governments. Hence , we laid emphasis on
Co-operative Federalism. Now we are moving towards a Competitive
Co-operative Federalism. You must have seen that we are taking all the
decisions together.
You may recall that one of
our Prime Ministers in his address from the ramparts of Red Fort had
talked about the poor state of affairs of the power supply companies of
the country. He expressed his concerns over the issue. Today with the
“UDAY” Yojana, we have worked together to resolve the issues with these
power companies. It is a concrete example of federalism in its real
Whether it is GST or Smart City Project,
whether it is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or construction of toilets, or
ease of doing business, all these are being accomplished by working
together shoulder to shoulder with the States.
My dear fellow countrymen,
the New India, the biggest strength is democracy. But we have reduced
our democracy to mere ballot boxes. However, democracy cannot be
confined only to ballot boxes. Hence our resolve is to see to it that we
have a democracy in New India, where people are not driven by the
system, rather the system is driven by the people. Such a democracy
should become the identity of New India and we want to move towards that
Lokmanya Tilak Ji had said “Swaraj
is my birthright”. In Independent India our Mantra should be “Good
Governance is my birthright”. ‘Suraja’ or Good Governance should be our
collective responsibility. The citizens should fulfil their duties and
the Government too should discharge its responsibilities.
we move from “Swaraj” to “Suraja”, the citizens do not lag behind. For
example, when I called upon the countrymen to give up gas subsidy, the
nation responded as a whole. I have spoken about cleanliness. Now people
are joining hands from every part of the country to take up this
cleanliness drive forward.
When demonetization
was announced, the world was surprised. People thought that this was the
end of Modi. But the way our 125 crore countrymen had shown patience
and faith, we were able to take one after another step in our drive
against corruption.
With this new practice of
people’s participation, our effort to take the country forward with
people’s involvement will help us to reach our goal.
My dear fellow countrymen,
Bahadur Shastri had given the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan.” Our farmers
have not looked back since then. They are now producing record harvests
and scaling new heights despite facing natural adversities. There has
been a record production of pulses this year.
My dear brothers and sisters,
never had the tradition to import pulses and if it had to import on
rare occasions, it was only a few thousand tons. This year when they
produced 16 lakh tons of pulses to provide nutrition to the poor, the
government took the historic step of encouraging them by buying their
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna has
provided a security cover to our farmers. Three years back, this scheme
which was running under a different name earlier, covered only 3.25
crore farmers. Now over a short span of three years more farmers have
been brought under its ambit. The number is soon going to touch the 5.75
crore mark.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai
Yojna aims to meet the demand of water of the farmers. If my farmers get
water, they can produce rich harvests from their fields. That is why I
had made some announcements from the ramparts of Red Fort on the last
Independence Day. Out of those, we have completed 21 projects and
remaining 50 would be completed soon. I have resolved to complete 99 big
projects. By completing those 99 big projects before 2019, we shall
fulfill our commitment. We cannot change the lot of our farmers until we
hand hold him from procuring seeds to ensure that his produce reaches
the market. For this we need infrastructure and supply chain. Every year
vegetables, fruits and grains worth lakhs of crores of rupees are
wasted. In order to change the situation, the government has encouraged
Foreign Direct Investment in food processing sector. Government of India
has launched ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojna’ to encourage
infrastructure building. Due to this, systems shall be put in place that
will ensure hand-holding of the farmers from supplying seeds to
marketing his produce. Such arrangements will usher in a new change in
the lives of crores of our farmers.
With the
changes in demand and technology, the nature of jobs in our country has
been changing. The Government has launched several new initiatives in
the employment related schemes and also in the manner in which the
training is imparted for the development of human resource according to
the needs of the 21st century. We have
launched a massive program to provide collateral free loans to the
youth. Our youth should become independent, he should get the
employment, he should become the provider of employment. Over the past
three years, ‘Pradhanmantri Mudra Yojana’ has led to millions and
millions of youth becoming self-dependent. It’s not just that, one youth
is providing employment to one, two or three more people.
the education sector, we have taken an important step to grant the
universities freedom from restrictions to make them the world class
universities. We have asked 20 universities to decide their own destiny.
The government will not interfere in their functioning. Besides, the
government is willing to provide funds up to Rs. 1,000 crores. We have
appealed to them and I am confident that the education institutions of
our country will certainly come forward and make it a success.
the last three years, we have set up 6 IITs, 7 new IIMs and 8 new IIITs
and we have also done the groundwork for linking the education with job
My mothers and sisters, the
women in the families seek employment in large numbers. And therefore we
have taken a very important step to reform the labour laws to provide
them the employment opportunities in the night also.
mothers and sisters are an integral unit of our families. Their
contribution in making our future is extremely important. And that is
why we have decided to increase the paid maternity leave to 26 weeks
from the earlier 12 weeks.
In the context of
women empowerment, I’d like to honour those sisters who have been forced
to lead a very difficult life due to ‘Triple Talaq’. There is no
recourse for them, and such victims of ‘Triple Talaq’ have launched a
massive movement in the country. They shook the conscience of the
intellectual class of the country, the media of the country also helped
them and a movement against ‘Triple Talaq’ was started in the country. I
heartily commend those sisters who have launched this movement, who
have been fighting against the ‘Triple Talaq’ and I’m confident that the
country will help them in this struggle. The country will help these
mothers and sisters in securing this right. India will fully support
them and they will ultimately achieve success in this very important
step in the direction of women empowerment; I am fully confident about
My dear countrymen,
in the name of faith, some people due to lack of patience end up
destroying the social fabric. The country is governed by peace, harmony
and unity. The poison of casteism and communalism can never benefit the
country. This is the land of Gandhi and Buddha, we have to move forward
taking everyone along. This is a part of our country’s culture and
tradition. We have to successfully carry it forward, and that is why in
the name of faith, violence cannot be allowed.
something happens to a patient in a hospital and the hospital is burnt
down; some accident happens and the vehicles are burnt down; people
launch a movement and the public property is burnt down; is it for a
free India? It is the property of 125 crore Indians. Whose cultural
legacy is this? This is our cultural legacy, the legacy of 125 crore
people. Whose faith is this? This is our faith, the faith of 125 crore
people; and that is why the path of violence in the name of faith can
never succeed in this country. The country will never accept this. And
that is why I’d like to appeal to all the countrymen that at that time
our motto was ‘Bharat Chodo’ and today’s slogan is ‘Bharat Jodo’. We
have to take everyone and every section of the society along to take the
country forward.
In order to build a
prosperous India, we need a strong economy, balanced development and
next generation infrastructure. Only then, we can realise the India of
our dreams.
Brothers and sisters,
have taken innumerable decisions over the past three years. Some have
been noticed, while the rest may not have been noticed. But one thing is
important – when you move towards big changes, you will face hurdles.
But look at the working style of this government; when a train crosses a
railway station and changes the track, the speed needs to be reduced
from 60 to 30. The speed of the train decreases while changing the
track. We are trying to put the whole country on a new track without
decreasing the speed. We have maintained the speed.
may have brought a number of new laws and systems such as the GST, but
we have successfully accomplished the task and the work goes on.
have laid emphasis on infrastructure. We have invested lot of funds for
building the infrastructure – from modernization of the railway station
in a small town, to build an Airport, to expand water-ways or roadways,
to form a gas-grid or a water-grid or to lay down an optical fibre
network. We are emphasising on all types of modern infrastructure.
My dear countrymen,
prosperity of Eastern India is required for India’s forward movement
into the 21st century. It has tremendous potential, rich human
resources, immense natural wealth, work force and it has the power to
change lives. We are devoting significant attention to eastern India-
Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, and the Northeast. These parts have
to grow further. These are abundant in natural resources and are
striving hard to take the country to new heights.
Brothers and sisters,
India corruption-free is an important task and we are trying to provide
impetus to it. After forming the government, our first task was to
constitute an SIT. Today, after three years, I want to tell the
countrymen proudly that we have confiscated black money worth Rs. 1.25
lakh crores, the culprits would be brought to book and forced to
Demonetization followed this move.
We have achieved several milestones through demonetization. The hidden
black money has been brought into the formal economy. You must have seen
that we used to extend the days from 7 days to 10 days to 15 days;
sometimes we allowed the old notes at the petrol pump, at the chemist
shops, and sometimes at the railway stations, because our intention was
to bring all money into the formal banking system and we achieved
success in completing the task. According to the research conducted by
outside experts, about Rs.3 lakh crores that had never come into the
banking system before, has been brought into the system after the
More than Rs. 1.75 lakh crores
deposited in the banks is under the scanner. Black money worth Rs. 2
lakh crore had to be deposited in the banks and this system has forced
them to be accountable. It has also stopped the flow of black money. The
number of new taxpayers filing income tax returns from April 01 to
August 05 is 56 lakhs while in the same period last year only 22 lakh
filed the returns.. In a way it has more than doubled. This is the
result of our fight against black money.
18 lakh people have been identified, whose income is much higher than
what their declared income and therefore they have to clarify this.
Around 4.5 lakh people have now come forward and are trying to trade the
right path after accepting their mistakes. One lakh people, who had
neither heard of Income Tax nor paid Income Tax, have now been forced to
do so.
Brothers and sisters,
our country, we tend to indulge in endless debates and discussions
following the shutdown of companies. People start speculating about
economic meltdown and what not.
You will be
surprised to know that black marketers used to own shell companies. Post
demonetization, the reports from data mining astonishingly revealed
that there are 3 lakh shell companies dealing in Hawala transactions.
Can anyone imagine? Out of these 3 lakh shell companies, registration of
1.75 lakh companies were cancelled.
Even if
five companies shut shop in India, there is huge public outcry. And
here, we have closed one lakh Seventy five thousand companies. The
looters of nation’s wealth will have to answer. We have accomplished
this task.
You will be surprised to know that
there are some shell companies operating from a single address. As many
as 400 companies have been found to be operating from one address. There
was no one to question them. There was a total collusion.
Brothers and sisters, I have waged a big war against corruption and
black money. We are fighting corruption – for the bright future of India
and the wellbeing of our people.
Brothers and sisters,
have taken several steps and I am sure that post GST, it will increase
further and bring in transparency. Today a truck driver on an average is
able to save 30% of his travel time from one point to another after GST
was introduced. Hundreds of crores of rupees have been saved due to
removal of check posts. This amounts to 30% increase in his efficiency.
Can you imagine what it means to accomplish 30% more efficiency in the
Indian transportation sector? GST has brought this revolutionary change.
My dear countrymen,
due to demonetization, banks have enough liquidity. Banks are reducing
their interest rates. Even a common man is able to access inflow of
funds through Mudra. He is getting opportunities to stand on his feet.
The middle class and the underprivileged who aspire to have their own
homes someday, are getting loans from the banks at low interest rates.
Such moves are giving a fillip to the economic growth of the country.
My dear countrymen,
Time has changed. We are in the 21st Century. Our country boasts of the world’s largest youth population.
is known in the world for its prowess in IT and Digital World. Should
we still remain in the old mind-set? There was a time when leather coins
were in vogue, but gradually they ceased to exist. Today we have
paper-currency. Slowly this paper-currency will be replaced by the
digital currency. We should lead from the front to make a move towards
Digital transactions. We should adopt BHIM App for transactions and make
it a part of our economic activities. We should also work through
prepaid systems. I am happy that there has been an increase in Digital
transactions. It has increased by 34% compared to last year while the
prepaid transactions have gone up by 44%. We should move towards a
less-cash economy.
My Dear Countrymen,
schemes of the Government are meant for ensuring savings for the common
man. If you use LED bulbs, you can save Rs.2000 to Rs. 5000 per year. If
we succeed in Swachh Bharat, poor will be able to save Rs. 7000 on
medicines that they would otherwise have spent. Curbing inflation has
helped people in saving money in a way.
medicines through Jan Aushadhi Kendras are a boon to the poor. There
used to be a lot of expenditure on operations and stents. We are
striving to make it possible for knee operations as well. We are
striving to minimize this expenditure for the poor and the middle class.
there used to be Dialysis only at the State capitals. Now we have
decided to open Dialysis Centres at district level. We have already
opened this facility in 350 to 400 districts where free Dialysis
services are available for the poor.
We can
take pride in the fact that we have developed various systems to
showcase to the world. We have been able to develop the ‘NAVIC
Navigation System’ through GPS. We have helped the neighbouring
countries by successfully launching SAARC Satellite.
asserted our supremacy in the world by introducing Tejas aircraft. BHIM
Aadhaar App for digital transaction has come as a surprise to the
world. Crores of RuPay Cards are now available in the country. When all
the cards will be operational, it will be the largest number of cards in
the world.
My dear countrymen, I shall urge
you to take up the New India Pledge and move ahead. Our scriptures say,
“अनियत काल:, अनियत कालः प्रभुत्यो विपलवन्ते, प्रभुत्यो विपलवन्ते”. It
implies that, if we don’t accomplish a work within the stipulated time
then we shall not be able to get the desired results. So for the ‘Team
India’, for the 125 crore countrymen, we have to take the pledge to
achieve the goal by 2022.
We will do it with dedication to see a great, majestic India by 2022.
So we will together build such an India where the poor will have Pucca House with electricity and water.
we will build such an India where the farmers can sleep without worry.
They will earn double by 2022 of what they are earning today.
Together we will build such an India where the youth, the women will have enough opportunities to fulfil their dreams.
Together we will build such an India which will be free from terrorism, communalism and casteism.
Together we will build such an India where nobody will compromise with corruption and nepotism.
Together we will build such an India which will be clean and healthy, and where the dream of Su-Raj will be fulfilled.
And that is why my dear fellow countrymen, we will together strive to move ahead in this march towards development.
all of us march together with the dream of a building an India of
grandeur and majesty as we wait for the 75th year of independence after
completing 70 years of Independence in the next five years.
this thought in mind I once again bow my head before the heroes of our
freedom movement. I bow my head before the new confidence and passion of
my 125 crore countrymen and I call upon Team India to march on with
this new pledge.
With this thought I convey my hearty congratulations to all of you.
Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Vande Matram, Jai Hind
Jai Hind, Jai Hind, Jai Hind, Jai Hind
Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai,
Vande Matram, Vande Matram, Vande Matram, Vande Matram,
Thanking you all.