However, President Bush has a valuable historical example that he could choose to follow.
When the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar was struggling to conquer ancient Gaul, he not only had to defeat the Gauls, but he also had to defeat his political enemies in Rome who would destroy him the moment his tenure as consul (president) ended.
Caesar pacified Gaul by mass slaughter; he then used his successful army to crush all political opposition at home and establish himself as permanent ruler of ancient Rome. This brilliant action not only ended the personal threat to Caesar, but ended the civil chaos that was threatening anarchy in ancient Rome – thus marking the start of the ancient Roman Empire that gave peace and prosperity to the known world.
If President Bush copied Julius Caesar by ordering his army to empty Iraq of Arabs and repopulate the country with Americans, he would achieve immediate results: popularity with his military; enrichment of America by converting an Arabian Iraq into an American Iraq (therefore turning it from a liability to an asset); and boost American prestiege while terrifying American enemies.
He could then follow Caesar's example and use his newfound popularity with the military to wield military power to become the first permanent president of America, and end the civil chaos caused by the continually squabbling Congress and the out-of-control Supreme Court.
President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming “ex-president” Bush or he can become “President-for-Life” Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons.
1 hour ago
Iraq's population is 27.5 million. If the US Army can't get the insurgents who number in 10s of 1000s, how are they going to get millions that too under an unconstitutional President. Sounds like a spoof.
It is not a spoof. Of course, we can credit Family Security Matters with trying to erase this from their website. Whether it is merely because it is embarrassing or because it is something they really disapprove of, who knows?
The fact is that you cannot underestimate the amount of right-wing-nuttery out there.
Here, read this:
And this:
Despite my suspicions that FSM really did not have a problem with Atkinson's August 2, 2007 Iraq genocide/American Ceasar article (until it brought such negative attention), I was willing to give FSM the benefit of the doubt and at least leave open the possibility that Atkinson had suddenly gone nuts and his nutty Iraq article had slipped through the cracks.
But now we see that he was just as nutty back in May, and FSM continued to publish his articles. Evidently, FSM did not find his views all that reprehensible. The introduction to the article advocating slavery or mass murder of Mexican immigrants and invasion of Mexico describes it thusly: "FSM Contributing Editor Philip Atkinson offers a realistic view of our precarious predicament."
I suspect that Mr. Atkinson did not really exceed Family Security Matters philosophical, ethical, or policy outer limits, but simply became a public relations liability in the past week. Note that FSM has yet to publish a retraction or condemnation of any of Atkinson's wacko views, but is instead using the rather Orwellian tactic of simply making it all disappear from its website, as if it never happened. (from the previous link)
OK, it is not a spoof. Amazing. And disturbing that this organisation is not very loosely linked to members of the Bush administration, if these are to be believed:
That is:
Yes, it is very disturbing.
Wrongness stalks the lands at many levels. It seems that New Orleans was the weight that swung Louisiana to the Democrats. The non-rebuilding of New Orleans after Katrina, and with only 66% of its population returned, has turned Louisiana into a Republican state. Was this deliberate Rovian tactics?
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