Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Feelin' Groovy

Today, if someone pushed me from the fifth floor, I'd be singing happily on the way down. Not sure why I feel so light-hearted, I haven't

- attained moksha
- fallen in love
- published a viable theory of everything
- won a lottery

or any such thing. There's nothing special happening this weekend either. None of the piles of boring but necessary stuff to do has evaporated.

Come to think of it, except for the first item in my list, I should feel some resentment on being pushed, because it would interrupt the many interesting things left to do. But I wouldn't, I'd be waving a cheery farewell.

Strange. I think as I grow older, my power of introspection diminishes, my intentions, motivations are increasingly a mystery to me.

Enjoying it while it lasts :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Arun!

If this makes you feel any better, none of the things on your list have happened to me either--especially the first one. So there's no need for you to feel like you're the only one being left out of the fun...

Unlike you, though, I don't think I'll ever become filled with so much bliss that I'll wanna sing happily or wave a cheery farewell as someone pushes me out of a fifth story window!

BTW, it seems a little strange to be posting about "Feelin' Groovy" with a post about "Torture" right below it. Then again, maybe it's just balance that you're after...;~)

Enjoy the evening!

Anonymous said...

Yep - I also did not construct a theory of everything (more like, anything). As for the other items, I am not sure I understand all of them. In any case, please watch your back as you lean out to watch the passers-by.

In general, I share your feeling. I have a lot to live for, but I'm not - huhm - necessary. That is, I know there's a few women who would cry at my funeral, but in the grand scheme of things, who cares ? Being introspective does not help solve the problem, I think, because it is the quintessence of self-centrism.

Just a pair of thoughts put together in a sleepless night from jet-lag.


Arun said...

Hi Cynthia,
Precisely, why am I blissful when I'm aware of so many nasty things?

Hi Tommaso,

I've long accepted the fact of my unnecessariness :). Introspection came in because I couldn't understand the root cause of my bliss.